Je voetafdruk

May 31st - September 13th, 2024

Klimaatmuseum at the University of Amsterdam (UvA)

The climate crisis: some are deeply concerned and feel powerless, others get so angry they block the highway, and the next person sees hope in the smallest things. Meanwhile, the earth is getting warmer every day and the consequences are becoming more and more visible. Still we don’t take enough action. Luckily, we have art and science!

Are you looking for more insight, a new perspective or ways to contribute to the solution? Then you’re in the right place at the Klimaatmuseum (Climate Museum).

Dutch page

What can you find?

The Klimaatmuseum brings together artists, scientists and students from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) around the one topic that affects us all: the climate crisis. Works of art and interactive installations bring the UvA’s latest climate research to life. You gain more insight into the problems and solutions of the climate crisis and discover how the various fields of research are connected. You will also be inspired to take action yourself for a better climate. Together, we will turn the tide.


With this pop-up, we also organize a program. There’s something for everyone: more substansive, creative or active. Dates and content will be announced soon.

More information and sign up.

VOX-POP (the creative space of the UvA)
Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam

Opening hours
May 31st – September 13th, 2024
Monday to Friday
10AM – 5PM

Please note: the program also takes place in this space. So before you visit, check whether the museum is well accessible.

How long will your visit last?

1.5 hours: for the fans
Follow the route, discover all the installations in detail, take part in the interactions and discover much more online.

1 hour: for the enthusiasts
Follow the route, discover the installations at your leisure and take part in some interactions.

30 minutes: for the engaged ones
Follow the route, discover 5 installations that appeal to you and choose one to interact with.

15 minutes: for the spontaneous ones
Follow the route, discover 3 installations that appeal to you and come back another time!

The Klimaatmuseum is for: climate heroes, climate doubters, climate activists, climate drifters, climate knights, climate optimists, climate pessimists, climate grandparents, climate youth, climate scientists, climate artists, climate students, climate lovers, climate protectors, climate leaders, climate strikers, climate rebels, climate warriors and for anyone looking for more insight, inspiration and active hope.

This project was made possible by:

Collaboration with the University of Amsterdam

This pop-up was created in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam (UvA), particularly the Faculty of Humanities. Numerous students, teachers, staff and researchers from various programs and departments have contributed.

Other involved UvA bodies: VOX-POP, Humanities Venture Lab, BuzzHouse, Real Estate Development department, Allard Pierson, KNAW, UvA Sustainability Platform, Amsterdam Law Hub, and Amsterdam Humanities Hub.

Leen Van Laere, student assistent
Sophia Charap, student assistent
Julia Krantz, student assistent
Lisa Whittle, concept development
Laura van Rutten, project leader

Special thanks
Colin Sterling, Assistant Professor of Heritage, Museums, and Environment
Margo Keizer, director Amsterdam Humanities Hub
Cirrus Foundation, financial contribution
Gemeente Amsterdam, financial contribution

Researchers and students in this pop-up
Jan Willem Bolderdijk, Leen Van Laere, Peter van Dam, Joyeeta Gupta, Siobhan Bell, Vasilisa Ananeva, Federico Savini, Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, Jeff Diamanti, Charles Rouleau, Peter Schall, SolarFoil, Chris Slootweg, Victoria Verkerk, VOX-POP artists and Colin Sterling.


The Klimaatmuseum operates as sustainable as possible. Taking into account materials, transportation, and printing. For this pop-up, we collaborated with the printing house de Toekomst and the construction wholesaler Eco-Logisch.

Naturally, we also faced some dilemmas. For instance, we had to purchase a few new devices because we couldn’t borrow or find them secondhand. Additionally, we used a lot, really a lot, of tape.

Meld je aan voor de nieuwsbrief! Dan ben je als eerste op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen en activiteiten van het Klimaatmuseum.